Central & South America

Costa Rica: A Peek Into the Past

Costa Rica has been recognized as one of the leading destinations for nature lovers and eco-enthusiasts for decades. With such a long history of thriving tourism, Costa Rica has seen changes in the past ten years that benefit all kinds of travelers.

Costa Rica – 10 Years Ago vs. Today

While the historic charms and burgeoning culinary scene of San Jose draws travelers to the capital city, many trips now bypass a city stay at the beginning of their trip. Increased flight connectivity allows for flights directly into Guanacaste at Liberia International Airport, and better roads allow clients who do arrive into San Jose to head out into the jungle immediately. Instead of a city hotel and day trips into the wilderness, travelers now prefer to go to the source – staying at hotels and lodges surrounded by nature.

Changes in infrastructure aren’t just limited to roads, but it is one of the most noticeable improvements. Historically, Costa Rica was not only known as a hub for wildlife and adventure, but also for bumpy rides. A “Costa Rican Road Massage” might be the kindest way to describe the pot-hole filled adventure that was driving in Costa Rica in the past. Now, road massages have been replaced by actual massages at boutique spas that are easier than ever to reach.

Along with accessibility, accommodations options have also broadened, offering more high-end properties in both the boutique and large resort categories, creating a market for luxury travel all the way through to budget.



Costa Rica now offers the best of both worlds. As once remote destinations have become easily reachable and adopted more accommodation options, adventurers have sought out new locales, constantly finding hidden gems in Costa Rica’s dense rain forests and long coast lines. Once thing that’s not new to Costa Rica is its dedication to sustainability and environmental preservation – which has created a perfect environment for tourists to constantly discover something new within its magnificent landscapes. Just when you think you know Costa Rica, it surprises you!

Melanie Moore
From studying abroad in the home of a Tibetan family in Nepal, to giving tours in historic Valparaiso, Chile, to getting married in a vineyard in Northern Italy, Melanie has always embraced the life changing adventures that travel offers. With a Master’s degree in cultural anthropology, Melanie enjoys learning about and experiencing other cultures – and helping others to do the same. At Avanti, Melanie was one of the top reservations agents before becoming the Product Manager for Central and South America.